India is one of the constituent Shrine Centers of Shriners International. A Dispensation for the formation of India Shrine Center was granted by the Imperial Council on May 3, 1893 and the First Ceremonial was conducted on May 22nd 1893 with 7 novices (candidates). The Shrine Center Charter was received on July 25, 1894, and now hangs in the Conference Room of the Shrine Center in Oklahoma City.
There are three Shrine Centers located in Oklahoma. Oklahoma City is India’s headquarters; Muskogee is the headquarters for Bedouin Shriners and Tulsa is the headquarters of Akdar Shriners. Once a brother is a member of the Mystic Shrine, he is welcome to Shrine activity in any Shrine Center, Club or Unit anywhere in the world. In fact, Shrine Centers are always careful to make every noble feel cordially welcome at all activities when away from his home. It is not necessary to change membership as you move, although Nobles are urged to belong to the Shrine Center in which they feel they can contribute the most.
Clubs and Units:
- Altus
- Ardmore
- Central Oklahoma
- Duncan
- Fishing
- Lawton/Ft Sill
- Motor Corp
- Murray County
- Panhandle
- Broncos
- India Clowns
- Cruisers
- Dune Buggys
- Misfits
- Northwest Phyrtrol
- Okie Dokies
- Old Wheels
- Swokies
- Wowcass