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Offering Accounting Guidelines and Best Practices

The Shriners International Education Foundation (SIEF) Noble Academy Accounting program is structured to educate students on Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and best practices that Shriners and members of Masonic family organizations can apply to their fraternal business practices. 

Additionally, the program will provide specific courses exclusive to Shriners on areas unique to the accounting structure of a Shrine Center, club or unit including reporting, timelines, fundraising and relevant bylaws.

Advance, Improve & Expand

In-Person Membership & Marketing Events

The Membership & Marketing Conference and Masters Class is composed of an in-person conference plus four virtual events that take place throughout the year. Learners have the option to enroll in one or two certificate programs, each representing a different learning level, allowing learners to select the learning path that corresponds with their level of experience.

Noble Academy logo

Virtual Membership & Marketing Events

As part of the SIEF Noble Academy's Membership & Marketing program, we include a series of four virtual events that take place throughout the year, in addition to the annual in-person conference.

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computer with Membership and Marketing Graphic

Technology Education Track

The SIEF Noble Academy's Technology program educates Shriners and members of Masonic family organizations on critical software programs to help their chapter succeed, including membership management systems, database systems, customer relationship management and learning management systems. 

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laptop on desk with man

Leadership Education Track

SIEF Noble Academy's Leadership program is designed to equip aspiring leaders with the introductory tools needed to become more effective at managing chapter operations as they pursue a path toward positions of increased organizational responsibility.

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four shriners standing together in exhibt hall

The Noble Academy also offers education in membership and marketing, leadership and technology