Effective Membership Coaching
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Session Description
Coaching is quickly replacing the performance review in most forward-thinking organizations. Effective membership coaching teaches you how to incorporate basic psychological concepts throughout the coaching process to ensure a better, more effective coaching relationship. In this session, learners will examine core coaching skills, review the coaching process, and understand the psychology of persuasion. Learners will explore strategies to build relationships and enhance trust within the membership and use feedback and accountability measures to reinforce positive behavior changes. Case studies peppered throughout the session will demonstrate how to apply coaching strategies in a variety of contexts which included member to member, spouses and family relationships.
Learning Objectives
Following this session, learners will be able to:
- Recognize the differences between coaching in a work and a volunteer organization.
- Explain the principle of scarcity.
- List the differences between pacing and mirroring.
- Identify which element of trust involves rapport.
Recall how social proof can enhance feelings of trust toward the coach.