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Fun and Fellowship Competition

Cast Your Vote for the Best Fun & Fellowship Competition Entry 
The purpose of the competition is to increase awareness and reward the efforts of nobles who created new events and activities in 2022 at their temples, clubs and units to engage their members in fun and fellowship.

  • The SUBMISSION period is from January 31 – March 17.
  • The VOTING period will be May 1 – June 23.
  • Winners will be announced at Imperial Session in North Carolina!



What is the Fun and Fellowship Competition?

The Fun & Fellowship Competition is designed to promote fun and fellowship throughout our fraternity, and to recognize those who have successfully encouraged new activities, events and/or new clubs/units.

How do I enter the competition?

Fill out this form to enter. There is no limit to the number of activities, events and/or new clubs/units you can submit, as long as each submission is unique. Entries will be accepted from January 31 – March 17, 2023.

Who can enter?

Current members of temples under charter or dispensation by Shriners International can enter the competition.

What kind of activities should be submitted?

Different from the last Fun & Fellowship Competitions, the focus will be placed on two specific categories:

  • Events and activities which have been enacted at local temples, clubs and units.
  • Events and activities which have been enacted elsewhere that you are desirous of enacting at your temple, club or unit.

Throughout these annual competitions, Nobles proved their eagerness and resilience, and hosted new and amended events and activities to promote fun and fellowship among their nobility. These are precisely the types of submissions sought for recognition and celebration! Whether it be a temple-wide activity or an event hosted by a local Club or Unit, the specifics and photos or resources should be submitted for consideration! Remember, there are no limits to the number of submissions a Noble can enter!

How will the finalists be selected?

After the submission deadline has passed, a task force composed exclusively of Shriners will volunteer to evaluate each entry according to an objective judging standard and will narrow the entries to the top 10 finalists – five in each of the two categories – who will advance to the voting stage.

What happens after the finalists are chosen?

Each of the 10 finalists will be asked to schedule a brief interview, which will be used in putting together a short video (no more than 90 seconds) explaining their event/activity. They will also be prompted to submit any photos of the event or marketing collateral used in its promotion. The videos will be reviewed and rendered by our marketing team, uploaded to a platform, and posted online and on social media. Viewers around the globe will then have the chance to watch the videos and vote for their favorite event/activity.

Who can vote?

We encourage all members of our extended Shriners family to vote, including nobles, ladies, family members, friends and members of affiliated Masonic organizations and ladies' organizations. Please note: you can only vote one time per day, but there is no limit to the number of finalists you select while voting that day. The voting will take place from May 1 – June 23, 2023.

How will the winners be announced and acknowledged?

Shriners International will announce the first, second, and third-place winners at Imperial Session during the Public Opening in Charlotte, on July 2, 2023.