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Le Salvador Shrine Club prépare une campagne de prévention des brûlures

For the Nobles of the El Salvador Shrine Club, being a Shriner means much more than wearing the red fez and having fun. Membership in Shriners International brings a solemn responsibility to improve the lives of children, which is why they will soon launch a burn prevention campaign in their country.

“Every minute, every dollar invested means innocent children do not have to suffer,” said Noble Juan Carlos Otaegui Cañas, club president.

The club, affiliated with Abou Saad Shriners in Panama, is working closely with the Ministers of Health, Education, and the World Health Organization to ensure the burn prevention campaign reaches children in more than 5,000 public schools. They will spread their message by way of a short, child-friendly video cartoon shown in classrooms and posted on YouTube.

Noble Otaegui Cañas advises other temples, clubs and units looking to make a bigger difference in their communities and countries to be diligent and efficient, and to work closely with government officials to ensure their message reaches the largest audience possible.

“Being a Noble Shriner is the greatest privilege and honor that a Master Mason can have. One must wear the Fez with the dignity and pride that the title of Noble deserves. For that same reason, the tireless work should not stop. We should not to waste even a minute of time that we could take advantage of to help children who need it, and by preventing [burns] we are saving resources and pain,” said Cañas.

Shriner et un patient à l'hôpital