Comemorando nosso aumento de sócios
The mission of Shriners International to provide fun, fellowship and philanthropy opportunities to its members continues to resonate with men and their families around the world.
The fraternity consistently strives to evolve and exceed the needs of current and prospective Shriners, including offering more family-friendly events, creating new clubs and units that cater to various interests, providing countless opportunities for personal and professional development, and so much more.
Membership growth is a major priority of Shriners International, as recruitment and retention are key to maintaining a strong fraternity. We are proud to celebrate some of our membership wins of the past few months, and look forward to continued growth in the months ahead.
In February 2023, Shriners International experienced a net gain in membership – a noteworthy feat for the organization. Additionally, the fraternity saw tremendous growth of new members in March – the highest reported in a decade. In fact, the first quarter of 2023 overall produced the highest number of new Shriners in the past decade. The second quarter of 2022 saw a net increase in members as well. These growing numbers show us that Shriners International and its pursuit to make the world a better place continues to spark interest and maintain relevance throughout communities around the globe.
This success is the byproduct of members and local chapters utilizing tools offered by the fraternity for seamless and instant recruiting, including ePetitions, the new website, the WebFez membership database and the Member Center. In 2016, the fraternity established the Shriners International Education Foundation (SIEF), a program dedicated to providing education, training and leadership development skills, which, along with other membership programs, has also greatly helped support the growth of chapters, clubs and units, and attract new members. Chapters have also benefited from Shriners International’s new marketing strategies, which have been proven to engage and attract the next generation of members to join the fraternity.
Shriners International looks forward to sharing our important tradition of fun, fellowship and philanthropy with more and more men who are dedicated to bettering themselves and the world around them, and ensuring the success of our great fraternity far into the future. For more information about becoming a Shriner, please visit
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