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Kosair for Kids Shrine Leaders Conference (Assistant Rabban)

Membros se beneficiam da conferência de líderes do santuário Kosair for Kids

For over three decades, Shriners International has hosted an educational conference for the Temple’s elected officers. Over these many years, much has changed about the conferences, including the addition of a complete Ladies education component, but the one thing that has remained constant is the excellent level of instruction provided, as evidenced by the positive evaluations received from the attendees. While the conferences have always contained a leadership module, this area has been expanded to be particularly beneficial to our Fraternity and its leadership. The design and purpose of these conferences is to provide the knowledge and tools needed to successfully lead as a member of the Temple Board of Directors, and in preparation for ascending to the office of Temple Potentate. As evidenced by the titles, these conferences are offered for the first time to any Noble who has attained the office of Oriental Guide or higher and then again, with added topics and deeper instruction on some key repeat topics, to those Nobles who have attained the office of Assistant Rabban or higher. The Board of Directors of Shriners International believes that it is the responsibility of Shriners International to provide the best possible training and education for our temple officers. In fact, this training has been deemed so important that we have recently been awarded grants from Kosair for Kids, which has funded a substantial portion of the Assistant Rabban Conference.
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Charles E. Maddox:
Eu diria a outros Shriners que os benefícios desta conferência são a possibilidade de trocar ideias. Primeiro, não apenas para fazer networking com seus colegas e oficiais imperiais, mas segundo, para tentar descobrir o que eles não sabem.

Emily Maddox:
Você realmente não sabe o que não sabe até ouvir e compartilhar ideias com seus colegas.

Steven Livernash:
É uma oportunidade em que todos os meus colegas do mundo todo podem se reunir ao mesmo tempo e podemos discutir várias coisas que estão acontecendo em diferentes Templos, e todos nós enfrentamos desafios diferentes.

Rhonda Denney:
No grande esquema das coisas, todos nós temos alguns problemas muito semelhantes, então foi ótimo poder resolver problemas e criar estratégias, e então ter algumas ideias que talvez possamos levar de volta ao nosso Santuário.

Keith Jones:
A oportunidade de ser colocado em uma bolha onde todos estamos focados na mesma coisa, não apenas para focar neste trabalho, mas também para focar nele com um grupo de irmãos ao redor do país que também estão na mesma jornada.

Scott Denney:
Gosto do fato de que as pessoas da Shriners International que estão aqui são tão dedicadas ao que fazemos. Eles se dedicam a garantir que nos tornemos os melhores líderes servidores que podemos ser.

Steven Livernash:
Acredito que um grande líder representa toda a nobreza, não apenas seu ponto de vista e o que você quer transmitir durante o ano. É tudo uma questão de conscientização sobre as ideias de outras pessoas e como você pode incorporá-las para tornar sua nobreza e seu Templo um lugar melhor para o futuro.

Emily Maddox:
Acredito que um grande líder é alguém que não presume que sabe tudo. É importante que você esteja disposto a ouvir seus colegas, seus nobres, as moças. É importante ser flexível, ser um bom líder.

Charles E. Maddox:
Ser capaz de pensar fora da caixa e aprender a pensar fora da caixa. Ser capaz de descobrir quais planos precisam fazer para ter sucesso como líderes em seus Templos.


Registration will open after the first of the year.

Kosair for Kids Logo

For over three decades, Shriners International has hosted educational conference for the Temple’s elected officers. Over these many years much has changed about the conferences, including the addition of a complete ladies education component, but the one thing that has remained constant is the excellent level of instruction provided, as evidenced by the positive evaluations received from the attendees. While the conferences have always contained a leadership module, this area has been expanded to be particularly beneficial to our Fraternity and it’s leadership. The design and purpose of these conferences is to provide the knowledge and tools needed to successfully lead as a member of the Temple Board of Directors and in preparation for ascending to the office of Temple Potentate.

As evidenced by the titles, these conferences are offered for the first time to any Noble who has attained the office of Oriental Guide or higher and then again, with added topics and deeper instruction on some key repeat topics, to those Nobles who have attained the office of Assistant Rabban or higher.

The Board of Directors of Shriners International believes that it is the responsibility of Shriners International to provide the best possible training and education for our temple officers. In fact, this training has been deemed so important that we have recently been awarded grants from Kosair for Kids, which has funded a substantial portion of the Assistant Rabban Conference.

Kosair for Kids Shrine Leaders Conference*
*formerly known as the Assistant Rabban Leadership Conference

Arrival / Registration Day: Sunday, March 9, 2025
Dates of Classes: Monday, March 10 – Wednesday, March 12, 2025*
Location: Tampa Airport Marriott Hotel, Tampa, Florida
Rates: Discounted hotel rates are set at $209.00, per night, plus applicable taxes (currently 13.5%)

Dress: The dress for the seminar will be business casual for both men and ladies. Please note: with Fez for men.

Questions: Please contact Chris Harrison.

*These are the actual dates in which classes and workshops will be held. If at all possible, arrival should be planned for the day prior with departure the day following the dates noted above.