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SIEF Presents International Development Roundtable (Spanish)

Unlock the potential of Latin American chapters by focusing on strategies to attract new members, overcome barriers, and create a unified vision for philanthropy. In this session, we'll explore how to market through a multicultural lens, engage younger generations, and maintain consistent impact year after year. Join us to learn how to navigate these challenges and create a more inclusive, impactful, and unified Shrine community.

Learning Objectives

Following this session, learners will:

  • Overcoming Language Barriers: Learn practical solutions to bridge language gaps and foster clear communication.
  • Multi-Cultural Marketing: Understand how to craft messages that resonate across diverse cultural backgrounds.
  • Expanding Regional Reach: Identify opportunities to extend your influence among regional clubs and units.

Community Engagement Opportunities: Identify and leverage opportunities to engage and support your local communities to increase awareness of the impact of Shriners.

* Please note, this event will be held in Spanish.

Register Now!

Adrian Aguayo