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Kosair for Kids Shrine Leaders Conference (Assistant Rabban)

Les membres profitent de la conférence des dirigeants du sanctuaire Kosair for Kids

For over three decades, Shriners International has hosted an educational conference for the Temple’s elected officers. Over these many years, much has changed about the conferences, including the addition of a complete Ladies education component, but the one thing that has remained constant is the excellent level of instruction provided, as evidenced by the positive evaluations received from the attendees. While the conferences have always contained a leadership module, this area has been expanded to be particularly beneficial to our Fraternity and its leadership. The design and purpose of these conferences is to provide the knowledge and tools needed to successfully lead as a member of the Temple Board of Directors, and in preparation for ascending to the office of Temple Potentate. As evidenced by the titles, these conferences are offered for the first time to any Noble who has attained the office of Oriental Guide or higher and then again, with added topics and deeper instruction on some key repeat topics, to those Nobles who have attained the office of Assistant Rabban or higher. The Board of Directors of Shriners International believes that it is the responsibility of Shriners International to provide the best possible training and education for our temple officers. In fact, this training has been deemed so important that we have recently been awarded grants from Kosair for Kids, which has funded a substantial portion of the Assistant Rabban Conference.
Voir la transcription

Charles E. Maddox :
Je dirais aux autres Shriners que les avantages de cette conférence sont de pouvoir échanger des idées. Premièrement, non seulement pour réseauter avec leurs homologues et les officiers impériaux, mais deuxièmement, pour essayer de comprendre ce qu'ils ne savent pas.

Emily Maddox :
Vous ne savez pas vraiment ce que vous ne savez pas tant que vous n’écoutez pas et ne partagez pas vos idées avec vos homologues.

Steven Livernash :
C'est une occasion pour tous mes homologues du monde entier de se réunir en même temps et de discuter de diverses choses qui se passent dans différents temples et nous sommes tous confrontés à des défis différents.

Rhonda Denney :
Dans le grand schéma des choses, nous avons tous des problèmes très similaires, et c'est donc formidable de pouvoir résoudre des problèmes et élaborer des stratégies, puis de proposer des idées que nous pourrons peut-être ramener à notre sanctuaire.

Keith Jones :
L'opportunité d'être placé dans une bulle où nous sommes tous concentrés sur la même chose, de non seulement nous concentrer sur ce travail, mais aussi de nous concentrer dessus avec un groupe de frères à travers le pays qui sont également sur le même chemin.

Scott Denney :
J’apprécie le fait que les gens de Shriners International qui sont ici soient si dévoués à ce que nous faisons. Ils s’efforcent de faire en sorte que nous devenions les meilleurs leaders serviteurs possibles.

Steven Livernash :
Je pense qu’un grand leader représente toute la noblesse, pas seulement votre point de vue et ce que vous voulez faire passer pour votre année. Tout est question de prise de conscience des idées des autres et de la manière dont vous pouvez les intégrer pour faire de votre noblesse et de votre Temple un endroit meilleur pour l’avenir.

Emily Maddox :
Je pense qu’un grand leader est quelqu’un qui ne suppose pas qu’il sait tout. Il est important que vous soyez prêt à écouter vos homologues, vos nobles, les dames. Il est important d’être flexible pour être un bon leader.

Charles E. Maddox :
Être capable de sortir des sentiers battus et d’apprendre à sortir des sentiers battus. Être capable de déterminer les plans qu’ils doivent élaborer pour réussir en tant que dirigeants au sein de leurs temples.


Registration will open after the first of the year.

Kosair for Kids Logo

For over three decades, Shriners International has hosted educational conference for the Temple’s elected officers. Over these many years much has changed about the conferences, including the addition of a complete ladies education component, but the one thing that has remained constant is the excellent level of instruction provided, as evidenced by the positive evaluations received from the attendees. While the conferences have always contained a leadership module, this area has been expanded to be particularly beneficial to our Fraternity and it’s leadership. The design and purpose of these conferences is to provide the knowledge and tools needed to successfully lead as a member of the Temple Board of Directors and in preparation for ascending to the office of Temple Potentate.

As evidenced by the titles, these conferences are offered for the first time to any Noble who has attained the office of Oriental Guide or higher and then again, with added topics and deeper instruction on some key repeat topics, to those Nobles who have attained the office of Assistant Rabban or higher.

The Board of Directors of Shriners International believes that it is the responsibility of Shriners International to provide the best possible training and education for our temple officers. In fact, this training has been deemed so important that we have recently been awarded grants from Kosair for Kids, which has funded a substantial portion of the Assistant Rabban Conference.

Kosair for Kids Shrine Leaders Conference*
*formerly known as the Assistant Rabban Leadership Conference

Arrival / Registration Day: Sunday, March 9, 2025
Dates of Classes: Monday, March 10 – Wednesday, March 12, 2025*
Location: Tampa Airport Marriott Hotel, Tampa, Florida
Rates: Discounted hotel rates are set at $209.00, per night, plus applicable taxes (currently 13.5%)

Dress: The dress for the seminar will be business casual for both men and ladies. Please note: with Fez for men.

Questions: Please contact Chris Harrison.

*These are the actual dates in which classes and workshops will be held. If at all possible, arrival should be planned for the day prior with departure the day following the dates noted above.