Al Kader Ceremonial and Circus Program
This is a printed program for the November 20, 1919, Al Kader Shriners (Portland, Oregon) Ceremonial and Circus. It is billed throughout the program as the Kendrick Ceremonial, referring to then Imperial Potentate, W. Freeland Kendrick.
The agenda for the event included a business session, parade, circus, a dinner for out-of-town nobles and ladies, ceremonial, reception for all nobles by the Imperial Potentate and Imperial Divan, and a buffet.
The program also features information on Kendrick as well as his wife, only referred to as “Mrs. Kendrick.” The program says of First Lady Kendrick, “It is said that Mrs. Kendrick is as good a Shriner as is her distinguished husband. She travels everywhere with him, golfs with him, and among the ladies of Shrinedom holds a court of popularity that rivals the institution maintained by her husband among men.”
Humor and light-heartedness are infused throughout the book, making light of Shrinedom, members of the Imperial Divan and other nobles.
Referring to Imperial Officers: “… and if rumors are true, they intend to ask for all the bathing facilities in Oregon, forcing us to put shower baths in the streets and to order a rainstorm for each afternoon of the 1920 session. They do not have the appearance of needing a bath so badly, but unless the wind is blowing just right, you never can tell.”
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